Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Week

Happy Halloween week everyone!
Here in in the 'ville, the Halloween season usually comes and goes without much of a peep. This year, however, we've decided to dedicate this weeks' posts to the spirit and fun of Halloween.

Our Halloween features will be hosted by your favorite ghoulish gal and mine...

Miss Poppy Sassypants!

Hi Everyone and Happy Halloween week t'ya!

As you can see, my co-hostess thought it would be funny to dress me up as Zero the Ghostdog from The Nightmare Before Christmas. I just have to ask, 'Who is the dog in this scenario?' Anyway, we are flying by the seat of our pants on this one, but if it goes well, we might make it a regular holiday feature. Can't you just see me dressed up like a tree for Arbor Day? Yeah. Anyway, I look forward to actually being on the blog this week and if you have any Halloween questions or suggestions, please feel free to fill up the comments section. Now back to Christie and her regularly scheduled post...

I couldn't help it. She just looks so cute in that costume.
Habu 74 Sleeve
Anyway. At the end of last week, I was trying to decide what to knit next [moss stitch sleeve, cabled collar or allow myself to be distracted by something else]. Well, Gf's birthday was yesterday and on Friday evening I foolishly thought that I could get the sleeve of the Habu sweater finished, get the whole thing seamed, buttons on, lightly felted and presented to her. Just didn't happen. I was able to get quite a bit done on the sleeve, but I'm far from finished. My new goal is to have it finished by the end of the week. I think it's do-able. Keep your fingers crossed!