Friday, October 07, 2005

Non Knitting Content, But Still Artsy

This post goes out to my buddy Moni, the bulletin board making Librarian.

I don't get many creative yucks while on the job. In August, I decided to commandeer a small bulletin board in our office to post a monthly calendar of school events. Of course, I had to make it interesting.

I did this one before school started. Supplies were limited since everything was still on lock-down from vacation. I had to make due with what was given to me. The majority of the colored paper and the die cutters were still in boxes, so one of the coordinators presented me with the only shape that was available.

What a way to start off a new school year! All the children will behave, the copier will never break, I'll get a cupcake a month from one of the student's birthdays...who am I fooling? At least it looks cute. Don't you just love the star motif? I'm kinda sad the month had to change, but I can revist the stars again...

I thought the pink was a bit over the top, but my favorite student [who was playing superstarra in-training] insisted that we put pink into the yellow/blue/orange color scheme. Not one to stifle a young woman's creativity, I acquiesced and we included pink. Not too bad.

I just finished this one, and I'm pretty proud of it. The colors are kinda drab, but I tried to refect a fall color palette ... well, the fall color I imagine people in other places have. I wouldn't know, I live in LA. The only colored leaves I saw as a kid were the ones my teacher taped to the classroom window.

I had finished the whole board but just felt that something was missing. I kept looking at it and looking at it. Was it too busy? Not colorful enough? In a moment of brilliance, remember these little templates and they definitely complete the whole concept.

Yes, those are kids dressed up as a tooth [with apple in hand], a penguin, and a ghost.