Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Start Of A Good Thing

Just a quick post before I hop on the train and for a fish fry at my cousin's place. I'm hungry already!!!

Since it's the beginning of Summer, I started my Babette Blanket with my leftover scrap and oddball yarns.

What else could my first granny square be?
It's not perfect, but who is? I love my little orange star! You might not know this about me, but I'm pretty sentimental. I have a few other fancy squares planned to represent things that are important to me. Even Poppy Sassypants will have her own special square.

My 11 squares that I've made so far. I'm trying to be very zen about picking colors, but it's so hard for me! I just have to keep telling myself that in the long run, it will all blend together, so just go with the flow. My least favorite so far is the yellow/orange/blue combo in the top left corner. But strangely, it's the one that stands out most in the picture!

These are my three favorite color combos so far. Besides the star of course.