Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Oh the frogging I've done.

I think this is the most thorough blogging I've done about a single project. It's kinda strange working on just one project consistently. But enough about me, more about Notorious, please!

I've been making significant progress, yesterday I finished the waist decreases and was a row or two into the corresponding waist increases. During my morning commute, however, I noticed that I had made a slight error. I was missing a yarn over.

I haven't had to frog back too much, all of my mistakes have been easily corrected. I figured this would be the same easy fix. I tinked back and found that not only had a missed a yarn-over, I had missed a decrease. I tinked back some more. I failed a few times at correcting the problem, but once I got everything in order, I realized that I was going to have huge gaping holes where there shouldn't be huge gaping holes...correcting my mistakes would cause a lot of excess yarn. Frogging back was the only solution. I didn't even bother counting how many rows...that would have caused immediate depression and Notorious might have accidentally flown out the window at that point. Just kidding.

Here is the carnage. The yarnage. Somehow it looks like green linen spaghetti. MmmMmM...spaghetti.

So. I've figured out where I am in the pattern and I've lost about 16 rows. An entire day of knitting. Damn yarn overs. I would have left the mistake, but unfortunately it was right in the front and I had already made a huge mess of it.

No biggie, that's the price we pay for perfection, right? Well, perfection in the parts we can see. You better believe if the mistake were in the back I would have said 'only Allah is perfect' and kept right on knitting.

Since I had it off the needles and wasn't really concerned about losing stitches, I decided to slip it over my head.

Not bad!

Nice that it's almost the same color as my pants. This job...sitting on my ass all day has not been kind to my body, so excuse the bloat factor. We're going to they gym tonight. I'm supposed to be a svelte Superstarra so I can make Jezebel and wear it with pride.

Um...but anyway...I like that it's fitted without being too clinging. Say it with me: Ribbing is for skinny girls. Oh, I'm so excited to have this done!

I have some serious work to make up. Oh...and I'll have to tell you about why my strawberry necklace reminds me of my best friend.