Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Less Than A Week!

Bonjour ! Comment allez-vous, mes amours ?

Wow, the days are flying by! A week from today, gf and I will be spending our first day in Paris. I have so much to do before then! A few get-togethers with friends, laundry, packing, celebrating gf's birthday and getting on a plane for our 15 hour flight. I almost don't have time to be excited. Although, the past few nights all the preparations have been consuming my mind, which has kept me from sleeping my regular 7 to 8 hours. I have been trying to use the sleeplessness time wisely by brainstorming a screenplay, reading up on what to do in the city and listening to French language podcasts. Quel temps fait-il? Il fait chaud e il y du vent*. But I guess you knew that from watching the news.

Thanks to those of you who have asked about the inferno we're living in. I honestly haven't been watching the news much lately, but I've been keeping up on the internet. We live in the city proper and aren't really in any danger of having to be evacuated. However, since this whole mess began, the air quality has been poor[-er than usual] and my nose, throat and lungs have been extremely irritated. Not fun.

As far as knitting is concerned, gf's sweater hasn't been touched for a little while now, so there's no way it will be finished by her birthday. However, maybe I'll have it done by the time we celebrate her birthday in Paris. Wouldn't that be nice?

And I know, I need to post some Habu wip pictures...I will try to squeeze some time in to get some taken. Trust that this is just the calm before the Parisian Picture Storm.

Well time to get planning!


*translation: How is the weather? It's hot and windy.