Saturday, February 19, 2005

C'est fini! Clapotis!!!
Clapotis for me!

Oh happy day! I finished Clapotis Wednesday night, but she wasn't primed for her debut that night. Although I did wear her on Thursday for a trial run, I was still a little concerns about how stiff she was. After a nice bath and steaming her into submission, she's soft and has a lover-ly drape. And I have weeks to enjoy her before my cousin's wedding!

Here she is!
Clapotis' debut! Since I'm not a huge fan of variegated yarn, I decided to use this yarn instead. It's a natural colored wool paired with a variegated glittery ribbon. So instead of being large color changes, it's very suble sprinkling of brown, orange and gold. Flecks of color and sparkle abound!

All those twisted and dropped stitches
So purty!

Mariah's favorite and mine: GLITTER!
This is a better view of the ribbon and the sparkle. The metallic thread catches the light beautifully. How DIVA! Unlike Mariah, however, I promise never to wear a bandana as a bra. Cooler heads shall always prevail.