Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Status Quo ...or... a no picture post

I started in on the Rowan Cruise. As I was working with the yarn, I was wondering if it's too dark [maybe I'm just being influenced by the original picture?]. Since it's such a lightweight looking item, I was thinking maybe it should be a lighter color. Doubters and nay-sayers [nay, nay!] go away! I have 20 skeins of the Slick, so Slick it's going to be!

In other good news, I was over at Goodwill and scored on two handy dandy knitting bags! I've been wanting something to tote my projects around in, and these fit the bill. They're lightweight, gotsa lotsa pockets and room and no zipper to snag on! Oh happy day! And cheap to boot!

Time to get outta to come!