Monday, November 28, 2005

Distance + Flash + Zoom = Decent Indoor Picture

Well, here are the baby booties. I guess they don't look as bad as I thought. At least I figured out how to take a decent picture. As you can see, I'm working with my fabby consolation prize Bryspun double pointed needles.

I just have the sole to do and I'll be done with this bootie. I can see why people have second sock-itis. I certainly am not looking forward to casting on and knitting another one. I think I'd rather make a second sweater!

I should have the pair done mid-week so I can finish up on the sweater and hat by the weekend. The we'll be back to my regular scheduled knitting!

Here's the only proof I have that I was in San Francisco! The camera's battery went kaput so this is one of the only pictures we took all weekend. Isn't it funny that I wouldn't have a picture of Fisherman's Wharf or The Golden Gate Bridge or Chinatown...I have a souvenir picture of...Tower Records.