Thursday, July 06, 2006


Ah, Summer Vacation. There are a lot of things that I should have been doing this week...and I have been doing them, but I've also been knitting here and there [because it's just too damn hot to do anything else!]. Wanna see? Ok!!!

I had a burst of productivity on Butterfly today. I've been averaging about two repeats before I felt too overwhelmed to continue. Well, I was able to complete the last 4 repeats today! I'm going to attempt to pick up stitches and start on the body of this baby. Smoochy had a lot of problems with this part, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an easy time with this part. Wish me luck.

I've also started on Saun's Ruby Pattern. I'm working with two skeins of turquoise and one skein of a variegated colorway. I don't have a set plan for the striping, but I'm keeping the ratio of 1 variegated row to 2 turquoise, which should keep everything even. Also, instead of working front and back flat seperately, I worked to bottom in the round until the front cast off and am now working back and forth. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out on this one too.

Lastly, something that might be added to the WIP list. I think that I'm going start on this little baby. I have some blue Rowan Cotton Glace that might just work for this one. Should be cute, no?