Sunday, September 24, 2006

Is It Wednesday?

Well, citizens, I'm feeling pretty productive so far this week. I have my list of tasks to accomplish each day and I've been pretty good at getting most of it done. I've also been able to work knitting into my schedule! I've made some definite progress on Soul, but since it looks the same, I won't bother posting a picture. I am getting a little bored though.

As a reult of my boredum, I was researching the GGh Cashmere yarn that is required for the Rebecca Cabled Wrap sweater I have planned...somehow I don't think 20 balls of $20 yarn is in the cards for this kid. However, guess what is the perfect substitute? All Season Cotton! Yes, my favorite yarn is about to make an encore performance. I am thinking about frogging Cruise and reusing the yarn for this project. I do love Cruise, but want to rework it a little. I'm getting excited! Maybe I'll frog it today...

Lastly, I think I have a new style icon.