Friday, August 17, 2007

Unphased. Nonplussed.

Yes. Two posts in one day. You deserve the very best.

So, about two hours ago, I'm sitting at my desk looking busy, as I am known to do, and I started fiddling with Notorious. Not knitting. Fiddling. Now, these size 6 needles I have are 29" long, and this project is in the round. I was trying to magic loop it, but it was getting a little cumbersome. I decided that I would try to get some 24" size 6's later to ease my pain.

Then I saw it. I laid it down flat. I twisted. I turned. I stretched. I pleaded.

What a lovely ribbed moebius I've knitted!

And you know what, I'm not in agony. I'm not crying. I'm not upset that in the first time in 4 years I've twisted my knitting. No biggie. I'll just start again.

So this is the state of things. I remember now that I actually have some 24" size 6's at home. So I will start again after which I will have a stiff drink. And after which I will see a which I will laugh like I have nary a care in the world.

On the sunny side, I put a copy of Romantic Hand Knits on hold at Barnes and Noble, which I will pick up before dinner. I wonder if were I call ahead to the restaurant would they put a stiff drink on hold for me?

And don't worry. I won't do any knitting until the drunk has worn off. Some time Monday.

Well, it's time to go. I'm glad I brought the Spiral Boot sock along with me. Although I might have to fight this little bugger for it.

Gf and I are driving down to San Diego this cousin's wedding. Should be fun. I'll look my Blue Curacao Shawl and crown shoes, of course.

Have a great weekend, one and all!