Monday, February 25, 2008

I Thought I Had Something To Share...Oh Well, Filler It Is

Happy Tuesday everyone. I got word last night that a long lost friend just birthed her second child. Although I haven't talked to her in many years, I miss her a lot and am so happy for her. Of course a new baby means I've got to finish up Flo and start on an ubercute baby sweater asap! I found a pattern I like and will make the adorable Saartje's Bootie to match.

Today I was planning on doing some swatching for the Beachcomber Tunic, but wound up bringing the wrong magazine to work, so there went that idea. I also discovered that along with not having that pattern, I don't have the correct crochet hook size.


So that meant a lunchtime trip to Michaels. The aisle was unnecessarily crowded. Hello, one in the afternoon on a Tuesday, don't you people work? Needless to say, I quickly found the correct needle size in my preferred brand [the Clover once with the cooshy grip], but lingered a little bit in the yarn aisle looking...but not buying...yarn at least.

What I did buy was a knitting bag.

I usually carry my knitting around in a plastic bag or in a purse that has been repurposed as a knitting bag, but they were never roomy enough or didn't have enough pockets or weren't deep enough or any number of non-knitting-tote-knitting-tote issues. And since I'm too cheap to spend $60-90 bucks on one of the "better" kinds of knitting bags, this cheap-o Michael's number will do me just fine.

HEY! There's a dolphin in that bag! I've already filled it, as you can see. I don't like to waste time.

Hmmm...looking at Flo, I'm almost considering putting her aside for a moment in order to make up the baby sweater and booties and send it to my friend asap. I'm kinda close to being done though. Decision, decisions...